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home Clinical case Clinical case

Clinical case

Clinical case presented by Dr. Roccuzzo (Italy)

Clinical case presented by Prof. Baek-Soo, Lee

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul , Korea





Clinical case 01

 Remove crown

 Remove abutment

 Check the pocket

 Flap open

 Using NiTi Brush

 Debridement the implant surface using NiTi Brush


Presented by Dr. Frederick Li

Vancouver, Canada





Clinical case 02


 Pocket in the center

 Pocket in the left

 Pocket in the right

 Flap Open

 Debridement using NiTi brush & irrigation

 Finishing using membrane

#periimplantitis #niti brush #Titanium brush #Titanium brush for peri-implantitis #niti brush for peri-implantitis
#R brush #I brush #Rotating titanium brush #peri brush