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How to use

How to use the NiTi Brush for peri-implantitis.
Presented by HANS Korea Co., Ltd. www.NiTiBrush.com info@nitibrush.com

 1. Check up the periimplantitis.






Check up the periimplantitis using

probe and possible any solution.

 2. Sterile the NiTi Brush.





 Before use, sterile the NiTi Brush

using sterile pouch & autoclave

134 / 15 minutes

 3. Attach the NiTi Brush to implant handpiece





 Attach the NiTi Brush

to (20:1) implant handpiece

Prepare external saline irrigation

 4. Brushing mechanical treatment.





implant motor, RPM 600~1,200

Rotate the NiTi Brush

Remove osseous defect of plague calculus or any other materials

Entensive external sterile saline

 5. Check up the mechanical debridement by naked eyes.





 During brushing,

The shade of implant surface changes into shiny & machined surface